Plumbing Permit FAQ’s

image showing plumber working on fixture for plumbing solutions
Planning a home remodel, repair, or looking for employment? Remember your plumbing permit. Even the smallest job may require you to purchase a permit prior to construction. Many homeowners believe permits are necessary only for bigger jobs. This is simply not true. Any plumbing work is done whether by yourself or a licensed plumber must have a permit. This ensures all work complies with city code. Discover these three simple steps to obtaining a plumbing permit.

When Will I Need to Use One?

Plumbing permits are needed for all bigger jobs and most smaller ones. Projects that require a permit include pipe replacement or repair, drain line or sewer replacement, and replacement of your water heater. A permit is also required if you decided to relocate any existing plumbing to another location.

More often than not, a permit will be needed for any work you are going to be doing to your home, so better to just bite the bullet and get one as soon as possible. Remember, you need the permit prior to beginning the job. Make that top of the list before you begin your project.

How Much Does a Plumbing Permit Cost?

In the city of Katy, TX, you can submit an online application form for your permit, outlining the type of work you will be doing. The application fee itself is $10 and lists the cost attached to each type of job you will be doing.

You can check off the items that apply to you, and add up the total at the end. Depending on the type of project you will be undertaking, your price can range from $30 up to $100. If you own a commercial property, the cost will be slightly higher.

What Protection Does a Plumbing Permit Provide?

While the cost of the permit can seem like a nuisance, in the end, it is there to protect the homeowner. Imagine if you move into a newly renovated home only to find out all the plumbing work recently done was not up to code, and it needs to be torn out and redone. That is the last thing any new homeowner wants to hear.

Permits protect you by ensuring the work done to your home is up to code, and safely installed. This will prevent future floods and damage to your house later down the road.

If you decide to have some work done to your house and aren’t sure whether you need a permit or not, call a plumber. Your local plumber can give you the information you need, making the process quick and painless. Do not start a project without one. You cannot put a price on peace of mind.

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